Peaky Blinders: Season 5 Episode 3 Review
So, I’m just going to come out and say it. Everyone on this show is psychotic! Tommy, Arthur, the Billy Boys, everyone!
As I watching this episode, I was just like “I can’t believe they’re doing these things. Why are they doing these things????”
Oh, the DRAMA!
First of all, Arthur is on the verge of having a full-blown meltdown, a la season 2. The way he killed that guy who was just talking to Linda was absolutely brutal! And to be quite frank, I totally understand why Linda wants to get away from him. I don’t think we’ve ever seen Arthur be violent towards Linda, but being married to him certainly qualifies as an abusive relationship. On the same hand, we all know that Arthur genuinely has a heart of gold. He just happens to be severely messed up in the head. So, I don’t really know who we’re supposed to sympathize with as an audience.
Speaking of abusive relationships, I don’t like Tommy telling Lizzie that he owns her. Obviously, that sort of language is very gross. However, to be fair to Tommy, he is relatively liberal about women’s rights given the time period, so this might just be his weird, Tommy-esque way of telling Lizzie that he’s making a commitment to her? He obviously can’t have normal romantic relationships after Grace.
Also, I think he would have allowed her to divorce him if she had asked before that moment. I genuinely think that Tommy cares about Lizzie and wants to do right by her (in his own Tommy way), which is why I actually think it’s good that they set some ground rules in their relationship.
On this subject, I have to say that I think Ada and Ben Younger are cute together (although Karl is evidently a little racist). Although they’re obviously going to face some challenges. On the other hand, I don’t like Michael and Gina as a couple at all! Well, specifically I don’t like Gina. I kind of wish Tommy was being nicer to Michael.
I feel like he’s going to ruin their relationship even more and force Michael to turn against him, when Michael doesn’t really want to turn against him! I don’t know what Tommy thinks he’s doing.
Okay. Now we need to get to the psychosis of the Billy Boys. They are so crazy! Like, so, crazy. And they’re horribly racist and gross too! Also, I’m going to need some Scottish people to let me know if that accent is authentic. It’s just so thick! I mean, I’ve been to Scotland, and I don’t remember meeting any Scottish people sounding like that; it just seems to cartoonish!
Speaking of villains, we gotta talk about Mosley. I am VERY concerned about Tommy getting involved with the fascists. Like I know Tommy doesn’t really understand it at the moment, but I want to reach through the screen, shake him, and yell “this is not a good idea!” Also, that guy is just horribly unpleasant and racist. Will someone kill him please??
Overall, I think this episode was mostly set up, but it still managed to pack in a lot of good plot points. I’m really looking forward to the next episode.
Rating: 8/10
Originally published at on March 10, 2020.