Review: Supernatural Season 7, Episode 6: Slash Fiction
I take back what I said in my last episode review. Now THIS is my favorite episode so far this season.
I don’t know what it is, but something about a monster turning into someone else and committing crimes with their face is very intriguing to me (and it happens to happen a LOT in this show. Talk about identity theft!). I’m also endlessly interested in Dean and Sam’s run ins with the law, so I guess you could say that this was the perfect episode for me. Plus, there were muffins! What’s not to like?
In case you need a recap, in this episode the Winchesters discover that two leviathans have stolen their faces and are going on a shooting spree in their names. While Sam and Dean track them down, Bobby stays with the leviathan that they captured in the last episode and tries to figure out how to kill it. He eventually succeeds (sort of) with the help of Sheriff Jody Mills.
(Side note on Jodi and Bobby: If they don’t become a couple sometime soon, I’m going to scream. We need some sort of love/romance in this show. Also, I really like Jodi as a character. Aside from Ellen, she’s the only recurring female character who is down-to-Earth and sensible and also not a villain. Hole on to her, Bobby! She’s a keeper.)
Anyway, they learn that they can melt the leviathan bodies with some sort of cleaning product. They eventually recover, but, if they can remove the head and take it far away, they aren’t able to function anymore. It’s kind of a clunky execution method, but, hey, it works.
Maybe I’m missing something here, but I’m a little confused as to why the leviathans are so obsessed with killing Sam and Dean. Surely they don’t think they’re actual threats? (Although maybe they do after this episode). It just seems weird that these monsters have enough power to take over the world and are totally preoccupied with hunting down the Winchesters. Priorities, people!
I guess I shouldn’t over think it.
Anyway, the boys manage to fry and decapitate their doubles and fake deaths for themselves, which is good. (I think this is the third time Dean has “died” according to the police).
In other news, we learn that the demons are Girl Scouts compared to the leviathans and that the leviathans have no interest in working with them, even if Crowley does provide muffins!
However, the best part of the episode was Sam and Dean’s run in with Frank Devereaux, who is too hilariously conspiratorial for life. I hope we get to see more of him; he was thoroughly amusing. Plus, he gave us all some wise advice: “There is no such thing as a random series of robbery murders by your evil twins.” Amen, brother, amen,
The episode ends with Sam walking away from Dean because he has learned that Dean killed Amy.
Ay yai yai! I told you this plot was going to bother me. The brothers need to be together! We don’t have time for this kind of drama with the leviathans on their heels. Anyway, I hope they get over this quickly because bad stuff happens when Sam and Dean are separated.
Rating: 9/10
Originally published at on September 11, 2020.