Review: Supernatural Season 9, Episode 23: Do You Believe in Miracles?
I have to admit that it’s refreshing that Dean died and no one had to sell their soul to get him back.
Instead, he only had to become a demon (or, should I say a Dean-mon). No big deal, right? I kid. I kid.
But, seriously, that was a pretty big twist in the episode! If season ten is going to be about un-demonizing Dean (say that ten times fast) I’ll be happy. It seems to me that that’s a better plot than most of the conflicts we’ve seen in recent seasons.
I probably should have caught on earlier that Dean might be becoming a demon. Ignoring cheeseburgers and vomiting blood were probably clues. Crowley telling Dean that Cain himself is a demon was definitely the BIGGEST clue. However, I let that slide over my head somehow. In any case, I certainly realized long ago that bearing the Mark of Cain wasn’t going to be a trip to the spa from Dean. That being said, it seems like taking on the Mark of Cain was worth it. Without it, the Winchesters and co probably wouldn’t have been able to defeat Abaddon and Metatron, and we certainly needed to get those plots out of the way.
On another note, I was also surprised/pleased to see that Sam cared so much about what happened to Dean. Maybe I’m jaded, but I was starting to think that Sam was a lost cause. He didn’t want to be brothers anymore, and he didn’t look for Dean when he went to purgatory. He even implied that he’d let Dean stay dead the next time he died. I was starting to be pretty convinced that Sam was over the whole family thing.
HOWEVER. I’m pleased to say that I stand corrected. There’s a chance for them to be real brothers again after all.
I’m also pleased to say that we’re done with Metatron. I was so utterly and completely sick of that guy and all of his plots too! Metatron was an annoying and not particularly compelling villain, so I’m glad to see him go. Goodbye and good riddance!
I was a little sad to see Gadreel die, but he probably served his purpose as a character in this show. Plus, he killed Kevin, so he kind of deserves it.
Hopefully, this will be the end of all the angelic machinations and civil wars. I just don’t think I could take another season of that. It’s not that angel wars are a bad idea from a plot perspective. It’s just that, in practice, they end up being pretty boring. This is probably because Cas is the only angel that the viewers have any real connection to.
I’m glad at least that Cas has learned what he is and is not good at. If he had tried to be the leader of the angels again, I probably would have thrown something at my screen. As it is, he’s far better off as an ordinary angel (or maybe as a human!). I assume that Cas will find a way to get his grace back in season ten. However, if he became human for a while, it wouldn’t be the worst thing. He was a very entertaining human last time.
As season finales go, however, I have to say that I thought this one was fairly poor. It just wasn’t all that exciting or emotionally satisfying (*shrug*). I’m not saying it was a disaster or anything like that; I’m just saying that Supernatural can do better. Hopefully, we’ll see that in season ten, which I’m very excited to start.
Dean-mon here we come!
Rating: 7/10
Originally published at on February 22, 2021.